Stars can’t shine without some darkness.

Stars can't shine without some darkness.

The moon goes through many phases, but it always becomes whole again. 

The moon goes through many phases, but it always becomes whole again. 

The sun always comes up, even after the darkest nights.

The sun always comes up, even after the darkest nights.

Rainbows only appear after storms.

Rainbows only appear after storms.

The ocean is vast, dark, deep, and powerful. But people have still learned how to surf.

The ocean is vast, dark, deep, and powerful. But people have still learned how to surf.

Every beautiful thing grows from the smallest of seeds. With water, sunshine, and nurturing, that seed becomes something incredible. Every beautiful thing grows from the smallest of seeds. With water, sunshine, and nurturing, that seed becomes something incredible. 

Flowers don’t compare themselves to the flowers around them. They simply bloom where they’re planted. 

Flowers don't compare themselves to the flowers around them. They simply bloom where they're planted. 

The lotus flower only blooms in muddy waters.

The lotus flower only blooms in muddy waters.

The caterpillar enters the dark, cramped cocoon and emerges with wings, free to fly as he pleases. Change can be beautiful. 

The caterpillar enters the dark, cramped cocoon and emerges with wings, free to fly as he pleases. Change can be beautiful. 

Here’s the bottom line: no matter what state or stage you’re in right now (darkness, muddy waters, stormy conditions), you grow through everything you go through. Every single experience you encounter teaches you a valuable life lesson.

And when we look around us at nature, life cycles, the circle of life, and everything that makes this good old world go round, we see that everything is connected. We have more in common with the Earth than we even realize.

The stars, the moon, and the sun, the grass, the trees, the flowers, the oceans and rivers, the animals – we are all connected.



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1 Comment

  1. […] you know I’m a sucker for a good nature comparison, and a couple of weeks back I shared this photo on Instagram of some bulbs that the preschoolers […]

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