acupuncture needles in hand

Acupuncture can be a great tool to help a variety of ailments, such as pain, nausea, anxiety, insomnia and more. It is a form of Chinese medicine/Eastern medicine/alternative medicine that can help naturally relieve symptoms. Learn more about what acupuncture is, why people do it, and what to expect at your first acupuncture appointment!

What Is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that is often used in alternative medicine or holistic healthcare regimens. It involves placing very fine, sterile needles on specific points in the body to relieve pain, overcome disease, and bring the body into a balanced state.

The core philosophy of acupuncture involves Qi (pronounced “chee“), which is the life force or vital energy that flows through everyone’s body (according to Chinese medicine). The idea is that Qi flows through meridians, or pathways just under the skin. They are like waterways that transport life force throughout the body.

Sometimes qi can get stuck in certain areas of the body, and the insertion of needles can help get it unstuck.

acupoints of traditional chinese medicine

Sounds a little crazy right?

Many scientists have different theories about why it really works. But the final word is: no one really know exactly why it works. They just know that it does.

What Is Acupuncture Used For?

It seems to be most effective for:

  • Chronic pain (such as low back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or pain from osteoarthritis)
  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Nausea & vomiting from chemotherapy/cancer treatment

But people also utilize acupuncture for other ailments such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual cramps/PMS
  • Morning sickness
  • The common cold
  • & so much more!

What Can I Expect At An Acupuncture Appointment?

Your acupuncturist will do three important things before sticking you with any needles:

  • Get a short medical history (they want to know why you’re seeing treatment!)
  • Take your pulse on both wrists
  • Look at your tongue

Why do they take your pulse & tongue?

Because these are two pieces of information that are externally available actually give the acupuncturist a very clear picture of what is going on inside of your body.

Pulse: There are 3 locations on each wrist where an acupuncturist can feel your pulse. Each one gives them a different piece of information about your qi based on criteria like rhythm, frequency of beats, and depth/width/length.

Tongue: The tongue acts like a map for the rest of the body. Different sections of the tongue can show different imbalances within the body through criteria like color, condition, and coating.

chinese medicine map of tongue

Once they gather all the information they need, you will lie on a comfortable table and the acupuncturist will stick you with a dozen or so (give or take) needles. Then you just lie back and relax for about an hour!

*Make sure to wear loose fitting clothing so they can access all necessary areas! For example, tight skinny jeans are not a good idea if they cannot be rolled up above the knee.

Why Do I Go To Acupuncture?

I decided to try acupuncture for many reasons, with the #1 reason being that my Sjogren’s was causing me to be so fatigued all the time and I was, well, tired of being tired. But secondary to that I also thought it could possibly help with anxiety as well as PMS.

Whether it be due to acupuncture, Western medication, or lifestyle changes, I have found that all three of these issues have lessened while going to acupuncture.

Honestly, even if it’s not really helping with any of my problems, acupuncture sessions are so relaxing in themselves that I’d probably keep going anyways. Acupuncture just feels like a great way to take some time for yourself and engage in some self-care!

Some Added Bonuses:

In addition to regular old acupuncture sessions in which you get stuck with needles, there are other services that your acupuncturist can probably offer you, such as:

  • Moxibustion – this is the name for burning moxa (also called mugwart), a Chinese herb, during an acupuncture session. When I’ve had it done, the moxa is rolled up like a tiny little marshmallow sized joints, then stuck to the end of various needles in my body. The moxa marshmallows (not a scientific term) are then set on fire, therefore transferring the heat from one end of the metal needle to the other, warming your body and bringing more qi and bloodflow to that area.
moxa burning during acupuncture
Moxa Marshmallows (from
  • Aromatherapy – sometimes my acupuncturist will diffuse essential oils during my session. For example, when I have a cold, he will diffuse a sinus blend of oils while also placing needles in specific acupuncture points to help clear my congestion. During a regular session, it is always nice to just have a calming blend diffusing so you can really bliss out.
  • Chinese herbs – I have a LOVE AFFAIR with Chinese herbs. For real. They are the ONLY thing I’ve ever found that can truly cure a cold (more on this in a future blog post). Chinese herbs go hand in hand with acupuncture, and can be “prescribed” based on the symptoms you report, as well as the information gained from your pulse and tongue.

Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts on acupuncture! Whether you’re a dedicated acupuncture patient or a total skeptic, I want to hear from you!




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  1. Great post I also get acupuncture and Chinese herbs every couple of weeks. I have crohns and recently underwent radiation the treatments have made a world of difference for me. Thank you for sharing 😊

    1. So great to hear it’s helping you! I think everyone with an autoimmune disease or chronic illness should consider acupuncture 🙌🏻

  2. This was really informative. The idea of getting a bunch of needles stuck in me has always sounded scary, but after reading this I’m a little more open to trying it out. You say it’s very relaxing so I’m assuming that means it’s pretty painless.

    1. I know it sounds like it would be torture, but honestly, you barely feel the needles! They are like the width of a hair and they don’t go in deep – just under the surface of the skin! We’re just lucky they don’t use needles made of bone or bamboo like they did in ancient China 😉

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