Y’all probably know by now how much I love my self-care. I believe it is an indispensable part of every day, and without it we …
The Muscle of Gratitude (+ 4 Ways to Strengthen It)
Today I had the kind of day that I used to live for – busy. I got up, drove my mom to work (1/2 because …
Thief of Joy (Thoughts on Comparison)
You are not too much. You are not too little. You are not too fat. You are not too skinny. You are not …
Less Than Whole (Thoughts on Forgiveness)
“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die” – unknown When you hold a grudge against someone, think about …
Do No Harm (But Take No Sh!t)
Yoga, especially in our modern culture, is often thought to be simply a series of postures strung together to stretch and tone our bodies. But …